Help & Support
We try to answer questions about our product within 1-3 business days.
Before contacting us, please check these common issues & problems:
Click on the question to show the answer.
Please, double check if you followed all the steps from our installation guide.
If you're sure you did everything correctly, please contact our support team (at
Please, make sure you generated and configured your Google Maps API key correctly:
1) Under "APIs & Services" section, you must enable "Maps JavaScript API" and "Geocoding API".
2) Under "Billing" you must add your credit card information (you can double check it here).
3) If your Google Maps API key is protected by a referrer, the domain of your shop must be whitelisted.
Please, refer to the installation guide or contact our support (at if nothing helps.
Didn't find the answer above or need to talk to a person?
Please, contact us at