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General Questions:
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Omnium Maps costs $4.99 per month (per Shopify store) with a 7-day free trial. All payments are processed by the Shopify Platform. We do not handle your payment information directly. If you uninstall the app during the trial period, you will not be charged.
If your store is on Affiliate, Trial, or Development plans the application will be free to use until you switch to a standard or Shopify Plus plan.
In addition, our app requires you to provide your own Google Maps API key for the map rendering.
Google Maps API charges are completely separate from Shopify charges for our app. Google will provide plenty of free API calls each month, so until you exceed this free limits, you will not be charged by Google.
You can find more information on Google Maps Platform pricing in our article at https://maps.develic.com/articles/how-to-get-google-maps-api-key/#billing
You cannot create more than one map per page, as all the map data is stored within metafields of pages (the ones in the "Online Store" → "Pages" section of your Shopify Admin).
As the homepage is not one of these pages, you cannot create a map on your homepage by default (without customization from our support team).
Another limitation is a number of locations per map. Our app does not support having more than 2000 locations on one map.
Due to the technical limitations, too many locations will gradually slow the performance of our storefront widget. If you need to have more than 2000 locations, we suggest splitting it into several pages (maps).
Our application uses Google Maps as a foundation for map rendering. That's why you need to create your own Google Maps API key and set up its proper protection. This way your key can only be used for map rendering on your store (so nobody could steal your key and use your API quotas).
You can find more information on how to generate your own Google Maps API key at https://maps.develic.com/articles/how-to-get-google-maps-api-key
To cancel your subscription, simply uninstall the app from your store and Shopify will cancel the subscription automatically.
Common Issues:
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There could be several reasons why your map is not appearing on the page:
The map was created on the wrong page.
Make sure you created your map on the correct page, preferably on the special "store-locator" or "locations" page, and not on general "about us" or "contact" pages. -
"Omnium Maps Assets" was not activated for your theme.
Make sure you activated "Omnium Maps Assets" in the "App Embeds" sections of your current theme. If you recently switched to another theme, you need to reactivate these assets again. You can do all of this from Step 3 of our app's dashboard. -
Automatic map placement doesn't work for your theme.
Our automatic placement works quite well for the majority of themes. But for some themes with non-standard structure, you may need to switch to "CSS" or "Liquid" manual placement options.
If you think you set up everything correctly but the map still does not appear, please contact our support team.
There are 3 major reasons why you see this message:
You did not provide your own Google Maps API key.
Our app requires you to provide your own Google Maps API key for map rendering. You can find more information on how to generate one at https://maps.develic.com/articles/how-to-get-google-maps-api-key -
One of the necessary APIs was not enabled for your key.
Our app depends on "Maps JavaScript API", "Geocoding API", and "Places API" being active for your Google Cloud Project (the one where you generated your Google Maps API key). Please, make sure you activated (enabled) all three of them. -
Billing information on your Google Cloud Project is inactive or outdated.
The easiest way to activate (or reactivate) billing is to open https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable and follow Google's guidance there.
Google Maps API charges are completely separate from Shopify charges for our app. Google will provide plenty of free API calls each month, so until you exceed this free limits, you will not be charged by Google.
You can find more information on Google Maps Platform pricing in our article at https://maps.develic.com/articles/how-to-get-google-maps-api-key/#billing
If you're not happy with the automatic map placement, you can try switching to "CSS" or "Liquid" manual placement options.
These options will require some basic web design knowledge, so if you're not familiar with web development, we suggest contacting our support team, so we can set the correct placement setting for you.
Didn't find the answer above or need to talk to a person?
Please, contact us at hello@develic.com